
Fine Art: Frequent Questions Answered

Fine Art: Frequent Questions Answered

Though it might seem that we have an understanding of what art is, but when it comes to specific terms, like fine art - some confusion exists.

That is why I decided to dive deeper into the subject and focus on the definition, examples and frequently asked questions about fine arts.

Fine art - the definition

Fine art is created purely for aesthetic and intellectual purposes. It does not serve any practical purpose, unlike objects created for a certain function. It is judged purely for its beauty and meaningfulness. That is how it distinguished from decorative and applied arts.

The definition of fine art originates from Italian Renaissance. This was the time when aesthetics in art became more important than portraying historical events or creating objects with functionalities, widely used in every day life, for example furniture.

Creativity and freedom of expression became more important than skills of the craftsman. 

Traditional and contemporary fine arts

Traditionally, fine art covers seven arts:

  1. Painting
  2. Sculpture
  3. Architecture
  4. Music
  5. Poetry
  6. Theatre
  7. Dance

However, in modern times contemporary fine arts expanded into more forms and now include: 

  • Photography
  • Video production
  • Design
  • Conceptual Art

As art is constantly evolving, so we might see additional disciplines added to the list and this brings us to the next, very important question.

Can fine art be digital?

In my opinion, if digital art serves purely aesthetic and intellectual purposes - it is art.

Digital is just another medium for creating artworks that is based on technology. Such artworks can also be judged for their beauty and meaningfulness, so there is no reason to exclude digital art from so called fine arts.

Digital art is being criticised for its reproductiveness - it is easily multiplied and therefore the aspect of uniqueness raises a lot of discussions. However, the emerging NFT (Non Fungible Token) technology might change these perceptions and is has already created a market for unique digital art.

Why fine art is important

As I have already wrote in my earlier blog post “What Is Art” - art is our basic, every day need, as human beings are sensitive to beauty and need some aesthetic and intellectual stimulation.

Art allows us to escape daily routine and provides aesthetic pleasures.

Where to buy fine art

There are a lot of places where one can buy fine art: local interior shops, web shops and E-Commerce platforms, artist’s studios, galleries, art dealers, auctions, art fairs and online art platforms.

A lot of artworks are accessible to viewers on social media, which allows art lovers to discover their favourite artists, easily get in touch and even place an order. 

Please do not hesitate to visit my online gallery that offers fine art for sale at reasonable prices.

Where to sell fine art

Artists can sell art directly to collectors, through dealers and art galleries that represent them, participate in art fairs, create profiles on online art platforms or build their own websites and social media channels, open shops on E-Commerce sites, take part in auctions and charity events. 

If you are an artist interested in selling art, here is the list of places where you can sell your art online, available for download for a symbolic fee.